Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Merry Christmas 2013

We had really high hopes for our Christmas card this year.  We have a new baby to show off and a new country! Let's just say there were high hopes for the "perfect family photo."  About 10 minutes into our photo secession, Austin found a section of perfectly flat, bright green, artificial turf.  Naturally, he decided to run onto the grass... only to find that it was not.  Imagine his surprise as the carpet of pond scum parted as he fell face first into the water.  This photo was candidly taken right after pulling him out.  It describes our life with 3 children perfectly!

Merry Christmas from the Barons!

Touring Germany

One of our favorite places to visit is this Castle in Kusel.  It is free to visit and the kids can run around.  It's great! If you come to visit us here in Germany this will be on the itinerary!   

We also feel very blessed to have made fast friends here.  Here are our boys with their friends Sawyer, and Violet. 

Moms need friends too.  This lady has been a heaven sent to me.  She is one of my most patient, kind, and thoughtful friends and I am lucky to know her!

Austin turns 5

 Our crazy boy turned 5!  He has had quite a few firsts over the past year.  First time in school, first time in a new country, first time having to make all new friends etc.  Our outgoing boy has done really well with everything life has thrown at him the past year.  I'm really proud of the boy he is becoming.

 He and Tyler had a combined pirate party!  When the kids came in they dressed up like pirates and played pirate games.  In the picture below they are having ship wars.  Each ship fires cannon balls (marshmallows) at one another.  They also did a scavenger hunt and pinata and had a wonderful time.

Tyler turns 3

This sweet boy turned 3!  He is such a joy to our family even when he is streaking around our home protesting pants.  He is such a loving boy and keeps us laughing most of the day.  While Austin is at preschool Tyler usually helps me with Zach and helps me at the grocery store.  He finally decided to be potty trained this past year and has gotten good at jumping on the trampoline and riding his tricycle.  We can't imagine life without this funny, compassionate, goof.  


We are learning things as we go here in Germany.  For example- most holidays are a little more quaint and less commercialized.  We were the only kids trick or treating on our street and with the only carved pumpkin.  Actually, just the only pumpkin.  Our sweet German neighbors decorated their door so it would be special for the boys.  We really love them!

Austin really wanted to be a ghost, but when I couldn't figure out a way to do that he was a lego instead.  He was happy to be a lego until he fell on the front of his costume and one of the cups deformed.  
Tyler was really happy being an airplane.

Zach was a Manchester united player.  He cried because he didn't get any candy this year.