Thursday, January 24, 2008

Trip South!

We went to visit our good friends Amber and Tim this past weekend. As always, we had a blast hanging out with them. Lucky for us we got some great pictures too! We can't wait to see the newest member of their family in the flesh! With any luck it will be a June 23rd birthday (my birthday). It was really nice for the two of us to get away from Provo for a couple of days. This is going to be the climax of our schooling. Thankfully, this should be the last semester for both of us! We're trying very hard to fight the urge to be incredibly involved in ourselves. I think it will be tons easier in 6 months.


Mandy said...

we went down to Cedar City and Zions

Paige Hanks said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Those mini-vacays are life savers aren't they? Hope all is going well! We miss you, Paige

The Gracie Jones blog said...

I can't believe how cold it looks there! I always imagine southern Utah to be warm, but it looks pretty cold. I can't wait for warmth again! :)

Sarah said...

Hey! How are you guys? I am glad I found your blog! We miss you is everything at Wymount?

Esther said...

Cool you have a blog! I saw it on the Nielson's blog list, it's fun to see what you're up to! I hope Primary is going well. Your trip looks like a lot of fun!

Emily said...

Andrew and Mandy, hopefully you will remember us, this is Emily and Scott Norton - we used to live in your ward at Wymount. Someone from Wymount found our blog and it opened up a ton of new family connections that we haven't heard from in so long. We loved seeing your pictures and reading a few of your updates. We had a baby boy this summer and if you happen to find time to visit, you are always welcome.
Take Care!