Thursday, March 3, 2011


We finally blessed Tyler a couple of weeks ago. We joke that he was half grown by the time we actually got around to it, but it was wonderful. We had both sets of parents come out for the event and we loved it! (Austin especially.)
The handsome little fella'. He has been such a joy and we absolutely adore him!
He started to get mad during the blessing and began to holler about half way through. As soon as they were finished and sat him up vertically he was happy. He's a particular little boy and knows what he wants. I keep telling myself I'll love that about him someday. Maybe it is just wishful thinking.
Now everyone has gone home and we REALLY miss everyone. Austin asks me on a daily basis for both sets of grandparents. Usually he'll go put on his Shoes and socks bids me goodbye and says he's on his way to the airport to visit Grandma. Then he tries to sucker me into opening the garage door for him. I don't have the heart to tell him he can't walk to the airport.
Thanks again for coming! We love you all!


Alyssa/Jo said...

You look fantastic and so does the rest of your lovely family. You are super blessed!

Amber said...

On the other hand... a walk to the airport sounds like a great way to spend a long day that never seems to end... just a thought! :)
Plus, I can see a GREAT blog story about the adventure.

Lisa Brown said...

He is so sweet! What a beautiful family. Maybeline was blessed at 4 months and I loved it! It's nice when they're a little more alert.