Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Georgia on my Mind

We took a weekend trip to Georgia a couple of weekends ago for Ben and Emily's wedding. We're thrilled that they are finally married. We flew in Thursday afternoon and continued with the wedding festivities until late the next night. The wedding was a blast, and are happy for even more married friends!
We spent most of Saturday afternoon boating on the lake. I was excited to try wake boarding for the first time. I'm going to brag and also say that I got up slalom skiing on my 2nd time. Both of these great feats were followed by great wipe outs! You know, the kind that clear out your sinuses all the way to the forehead?
Andrew and Catherine had a great time riding on the tube. She's getting to be quite the athletic little girl! We have more fun with her every time we see her!

Here are some other favorite photos from the trip.

1 comment:

The Spanns said...

Great pictures!! It really makes me want to go out on a lake... or any body of water!!