Saturday, September 8, 2007

Soccer Season is here!

I know what you are all thinking... this sport is dangerous! We showed up to the first soccer game to a girl breaking her ankle and an ambulance coming to cart her off to the hospital. What a way to start the season! When the ambulance finally left we got to play our game and we won by quite a landslide. Here are a few photos of me and Zarah (my cousin).

I think I look like I'm about to hit somebody... Pretty tough!

Zarah's in the house!


Miller Family said...

Looks like you know how to "Bend it like Beckham"!!

Paige Hanks said...

You have no idea how fun that looks! I am so jealous because I love soccer! I hope all is going well for you guys! Keep in touch! Paige

B and B said...

Hey Mandy- what team are you on?

B and B said...

hey these look great!! How did you put comments after each picture and not just at the end?

Mandy said...

You just have to insert the pictures as you go- you can drag them to the end of the text.

Mandy said...

Do you guys have a blog?