Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vacation part II... is long overdue

This is a lame excuse for a recap on our Trip to Sun Valley, but it will have to do. We had a fabulous time playing up in Idaho with our family. This was a rare for Austin...


The Gracie Jones blog said...

What a fun trip to take!! (Especially because it was to IDAHO!:)) Looks like you guys are doing well, Austin is precious, especially that last picture! Miss you guys!

Tia said...

I'm jealous! Love Sun Valley and seeing pictures makes me want to go back. I can't believe how big Austin is getting!

Alyssa/Jo said...

Hey Mandy!! I was bored at work and did the facebook stalk thing and then saw you have a blog...YAY! Your little family is beautiful! It looks like you guys have been having lots of fun! Are you working at all in dental hygiene? I'm getting my second degree (I finally picked a family friendly degree)in dental hygiene! Anyway, I'll be following your blog now!

Amber said...

I think it's great you guys still make it for the Sun Valley trip. That's serious dedication.
I can't believe I haven't seen Austin since Christmas. He won't even recognize his favorite aunt now...

Brianne said...

I can't believe how big he is getting!!!